It's been a while since I've talked about anything on here. I do have new material for an album in the works. I still have about 2.5 songs left to write before I start recording proper but I'm hoping to start recording by June/July at the latest! I'll probably make a quick post when I finish writing the songs.
This next album is going to be the most ... regular? (yeah let's go with that!) album I've made. I'm guessing that it might hit an hour of runtime at most. It is also NOT a concept album of any sort, so expect the typical rambling I tend to do on these albums without any sort of through-line! I'm also trying to strip back the music to its basics and make something that isn't as busy as "Datascape". In fact I think this album is going to be closer in style to my first album "Where Am I?" Check it out if you're curious and fair warning, it's pretty rough and messy!
I also am planning on releasing some older music here in August to have it somewhere else besides Bandcamp. I also mentioned a website I'm working on in the last post and that is still in the works. I have the url and that's about it. I'll try to learn some HTML somewhere in between working on music, so yeah.
ALSO don't take any of these dates as hard deadlines! I tend to say dates haphazardly just so I can work towards a personal deadline of some sort. I will try my best to commit to these non-committal deadlines but don't be surprised if they're off by a few days or weeks.
Thank you to anyone who took the time to read this and hopefully my next post will have some more progress on music! Also have a nice day! -Louis